Job ID

Job Title
Daily Worker for MEAL Department

To work for
Triangle Generation Humanitaire (TGH)



Field of Work
Data entry/Archiving - Humanitarian/Disasters

Job Type

Military service
Finished or Exempted (For male)

Minimum Education Level
Bachelor/ License Degree

1: Monitoring and Evaluation:
– Assist the field team in implementing project related MEAL activities, including quality and quantity data collection and data entry.
– Carry out M&E activities such as assessments, household interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KII), direct observation, activity monitoring checklists, as well as other baseline and end line studies, post-distribution monitoring (PDM), impact and satisfaction surveys as agreed with Grants & MEAL Manager and in coordination with SARC.
– Ensure reliability of collected data and archiving of hard copies through spot check & monitoring visits to the areas of intervention through coordination with Programs department.

2: Accountability:
– Assist in ensuring the availability and correct implementation of the Complaint and Feedback Response Mechanism (CFRM) at field level.
– Assist in collecting complaints and feedback as specified in the complaint’s procedure. This includes face to face/door to door activities, monitoring visits, help desk during distribution, collection of feedback boxes, etc.
– Gather and accurately record feedbacks and complaints in the tools provided by MEAL team.

3: Ensure translation into English/Arabic for working documents:
- Translate for not Arabic speaking staff.
- Translating memos or other documents as necessary.

• Basic Knowledge in humanitarian work or equal experience with INGOs or LNGOs
• Strong experience of collecting and gathering quantitative and qualitative data
• Good knowledge in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning
• Computer skill particularly Microsoft Word, Excel, …. And Kobo system
• Communication and facilitation skills.
• Prepared to undertake regular travel within the country and within the region
• Ability to work on the field with partners and beneficiaries.
• Proven ability to work in a team - including in multicultural team
• Ability to work under pressure, ability to prioritize and commitment to meet deadlines.
• Potential and flexibility of attitude to learn.
• Commitment to the aims and objectives of TGH and strong commitment to humanitarian principles, gender equality and social justice.

Specific Vacancy Requirements
Required working days: 4 to 10 days per month.

The vacancy will be closed within 2 weeks.

Salary and Benefits
According to TGH salary scale.

About us
'Actor in a sustainable and shared solidarity'

Established in 1994 TGH is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) designing and implementing emergency, rehabilitation and development programs. Its action includes several areas of expertise within a comprehensive approach: the programs fall within the fields of Education; Water Hygiene & Sanitation; Food Security, Livelihood & Rural Development. In 2018, TGH operates in 10 countries and manages 70 programs.

TGH has been registered in Syria in May 2017 and works under the coordination of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC). Both Organisations have agreed to cooperate in order to enhance their common objective of offering humanitarian aid to the Syrian affected people that need help wherever it is possible in the country. The main TGH sectors of activities in Syria are WASH and Education.

A preliminary assessment in the WASH sector has been carried-out by TGH from 18th July to 27th July 2017 under the coordination and with the support of SARC. Another one has been conducted by TGH team and SARC in Hama in October 2018.

Since then, TGH signed 2 WASH projects in Hama under SHF and Rural Damascus under CDCS, and is planning to submit project proposal to various donors in 2019.

Required employees number

Posted On
Nov 21, 2024

Expiry Date
Dec 21, 2024


CV Language

جميع الحقوق محفوظة 2006 - 2025 شركة سيرياجوب محدودة المسؤولية
