Employment Services
Our company offers various integrated solutions and services in the employment field that start with assisting you in announcing for your vacancies, choosing the best ways to post them and using the online employment to end with the final hiring process as follows:
Job Announcement
Every effective hiring process starts with an attractive job announcement, therefore in Syriajob we offer you here the best solutions to announce for your vacancies in order to reach for as many as possible qualified candidates and suitable resumes such as:
1. Direct Advertising e-mail
Containing the hiring announcement for your requested qualifications and conditions in candidates and can reach for predefined registered jobseekers' categories upon specific work location and specialization, this makes your advertisement very efficient
Making your announcement available at the fingertips of registered jobseekers targeted according to your work needs. It is a very fast and low-cost method
The cost of this announcement depends on your vacant positions' count and work location. For more information please press here
How do I request this service?
By contacting us, as we need you to provide us with your advertising text and vacancy count
2. Advertising Banner
On the specialized www.job.sy website, linked to your job announcement to make it available to the largest group of internet users and website visitors
Making your announcement available to over /250,000/ monthly website visitors of serious career seekers
What can I do to post my flash banner?
All you have to do is to provide us with your banner and advertising page designs including all your desired texts so that we can make it available online
How do I get my banner or webpage designed?
We can provide you with our recommended specialists to assist you for very reasonable prices that you can learn more about by clicking here
What are the fees related to this service?
The fees vary upon your preferred banner type and its posting period as below:
Upper banner: What makes it useful is that it can be available in all website pages with 4 other changing banners at once and its posting periods, are the following:
o /15/ days, request an offer
o /30/ days, request an offer
o For a period that exceeds the 30 days, you can contact us to get an offer
Mid banner: The mid banner can be displayed in the mid front page, and can be posted for:
o /15/ days, request an offer
o /30/ days, request an offer
o For a period that exceeds the 30 days, you can contact us to get an offer
3. Hot Job Banner
The two hot jobs banners; the horizontal one which included in all www.job.sy pages and the vertical one on home page can perfectly carry your hiring message linked to your pre-designed announcement
4. Note
In case the hiring company has a recruitment page on its website and wishes to address jobseekers towards it, we can perfectly assist using:
Advertising e-mail message
Advertising flash banner
Linking hiring company recruitment page to its name under "best place to work" category in www.job.sy
Online Employment
www.job.sy is providing the following distinguished bunch of online employment services that are free of charge and commission to enable you as soon as you register to reach for the best qualifications and experiences for your job by:
1. Posting an Online Vacancy
Using a very simple (English and Arabic) template that allows you receive www.job.sy subscribers' applications as organized and unified resumes
- Advantages
o Unlimited space to describe your vacancy
o Various suitable posting periods
o Your vacancy is available online to jobseekers from all over Syria and the world
o A simple and easy to use template to edit your vacancy
o Competitive vacancy posting cost
o Received applications are organized and unified to enable you easily use the filtration options
How can I post my vacancy?
All you have to do is to register at the website to get an account that enables you post your vacancies for yourselves, thus receive applications and benefit from the rest of our offered services
o To register: Simply press here
o To add a job vacancy: Please press the icon of "add new vacancy" available in your account
o To login to your account: Please press here
o Forgot your account password: Please press here or contact us
What are the related fees?
Our fees are related to vacancy posting only, and vary upon vacancy count, posting duration and validity, while no fees are to be paid by jobseekers upon hiring.
To get an offer, please press here
2. Resume Search
Using the search engine that makes the best experiences and resumes available at your fingertips, as this service helps you look for your desired qualifications among registered posted resumes , thus pick the most convenient for your job
It is fast and accurate in reaching for the most suitable employee upon your desired specialization, work location etc..
The cost of this service depends on the requested resume count and validity, count upon the following categories:
/1/, /10/, /25/, /50/ and /100/ resumes
To request an offer, please click here
Integrated Employment Services
Announcement editing Provided by our specialized team upon your needs in order to guarantee you the best results from your announcement
Announcement designing To provide you with professional designs for your printed or online announcement or Banner
Announcement posting In the most convenient and effective available mediums to get the best results
Phone interviewing You won't be obliged to handle the whole hiring process on your own, we can interview your candidates by phone to elect the best of them for your announced position
Personal interviews That we do personally with your candidates to choose the most convenient upon your vacancy requirements